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Andy Allmandinger
Data Coordinator
Metro Schools
614-259-6639 ext. x1338
Crystal Altstaetter
M.S. English Language Arts
Anthony Alston
Director of External Affairs
Metro Schools
614-259-6639 ext. 1103
Hadeel Atala
H.S. Computer Science
Sharon Barclay
H.S. Dean/Energy ECE Pathway
614-259-6639 ext. 1334
Mary Barton
M.S. Social Studies
614-259-6639 ext. 1348
Trey Blackwell
H.S. Instructional Assistant
Corey Boyer
H.S. Counselor/CSCC Academic Advisor
614-259-6639 ext. 1212
Dana Brown
M.S. Math 
614-259-6639 ext. 1303
Mari  Burgett
Communications & Admissions
Metro Schools
614-259-6639 ext. 1101
Matthew Burns
H.S. English Language Arts
6714-259-6639 ext. 1313
Caleb Caldwell
H.S. Design ECE Pathway
Lori Carter
Special Education Director
Metro Schools
614-259-6639 ext. 1327
Kevin Cox
H.S. Science
614-259-6639 ext. 1323
Jeremy Cram
H.S. Math & Science
Kate Demarest
H.S. Math
614-259-6639 ext. 1330
Beth  Edussuriya
H.S. English Language Arts
614-259-6639 ext. 1331
Colin Faber
H.S. Intervention Specialist
614-259-6639 ext. 1332
Carla Farwig
H.S. Counselor
614-259-6639 ext. 1213
Patrick Frase
H.S. Social Studies
614-259-6639 ext. 1333