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يرجى النقر على كلمة "الإنجليزية" في الزاوية اليمنى العليا من هذه الصفحة لتحديد لغة مختلفة
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420 E. 19th Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43201

Metro Early College High School is a small, public STEM high school open to students in Central Ohio. It is an early college program focused on problem-based learning with an emphasis on STEM practices (science, technology, engineering, and math).
Our mission is to turn college aspirations into reality through personal relevance, academic rigor, and transformative relationships. Students engage in a curriculum that allows them to complete high school coursework at an accelerated pace and access professional internships and college coursework before graduation.
Use the following link for the Metro College Admissions Profile
Use this link for an Informational Video of the High School Program

Class of 2024 College Map
Below is the acceptance and attendance map for Metro's 2024 graduating class.
Yellow pin points indicate where our students were accepted
Red stars indicate where our students have committed to attend
High School Administration

Ben McKibben, Principal

Sharon Barclay, Dean of Students

Dr. Anitra Simmons, Assistant Principal

Ashley Leslie, Dean of Students
Parent Resources
Link to the 2024-25 Academic Calendar
Information on Metro's Dress Code
Link to Recommended School Supplies
Read about Metro's Early College Programs
Information on the Annual Student Fees
High School Schedules

VIRTUAL DAY (online classes)

Graduation Requirements - Class of 2023 & Beyond
Students in the class of 2023 and beyond must meet the following minimum requirements set by the state of Ohio:
20 credits (academic & elective coursework)
Two graduation seals (state and local seal options)
A passing score in the Algebra 1 and English 2 End of Course Exams
Below is an explanation of each requirement, or click here for Metro's Graduation Requirement Presentation for an overview.
#1 Course Credits
Core Academic Courses:
Elective Courses:
| Core Academic Courses:
Elective Courses: (5 credits minimum) Intro to Fine Arts, 3D Art, Financial Literacy, Mechatronics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Foreign Language, additional academic courses. College Coursework: Classes scheduled each semester with a Metro college advisor once students complete the Gateway process. |
#2 Graduation Seals
Students must earn at least two graduation seals showing college and career readiness; at least one must be a state seal.
State Seals:
Ohio Means Jobs Readiness Seal
Industry Recognized Credential Seal
College-Ready Seal
Military Enlistment Seal
Citizenship Seal
Science Seal
Honors Diploma Seal
Seal of Biliteracy
Technology Seal
Local Seals:
Community Service Seal
Fine and Performing Arts Seal
Student Engagement Seal
Honors Diploma Requirements:
Academic Honors
3.5 GPA, 27 ACT/1280 SAT
1 additional unit of Science (Physics/HBS)
1 additional unit of Social Studies (any college level social science class)
3 units of a world language, or no less than 2 units each of two world languages
STEM Honors
3.5 GPA, 27 ACT/1280 SAT
Field Experience/Portfolio
1 additional unit of Math
2 additional units of Advanced Science
2 electives with a focus in STEM (
Fundamentals of I.T, Mechatronics, Additional Math/Science courses)
3 units of a world language, or no less than 2 units each of two world languages
#3 End of Course Exams
Students must earn a minimum score of 684 on the Algebra 1 and ELA 2 End of Course exam. Metro's average score is 716.
Students may qualify for additional state seals based on scores on the Science and Social Studies exams.
Portrait of a Metro Graduate