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During May & June, districts that provide busing to Metro need parents to complete the registration process . This allows districts to set bus routes over summer and have all students assigned to routes before school begins. Please do not submit forms before May to avoid having them processed for the current year instead of the upcoming school year!
If you live in a district listed below and would like to take advantage of bus transportation, please follow the instructions as outlined. Registration should be completed by the date set by your district or before the end of June (whichever comes first). Students not signed up for busing by the deadline will not be guaranteed busing by the time school begins in the fall.
Districts Currently Providing Bus to Metro:
When completing bus registration forms, please use your child's legal name as it appears on their birth certificate to avoid any issues with processing your request.
Bus Registration by District of Residence
Columbus City Schools
You only need to register for busing to Metro once. CCS will roll over bus registrations from year to year while you remain enrolled at Metro.
For new students (or students who have not previously used the bus to Metro), a parent/guardian must register online before the end of June. Visit the Columbus City Schools website Charter and Non-Public Transportation page and use the link to complete the online registration. The page includes a "how to" video should you need assistance.
The student and parent legal name must be used when completing the registration to avoid issues matching students to their school enrollment. When selecting the school for busing, please note our name may appear as "Columbus Metro" on the list.
CCS will send parents notification of bus route assignment during summer. Registrations will be reviewed to determine if transportation can be provided. If deemed impractical (typically due to distance), you will receive a form offering Payment in Lieu of Transportation.
Groveport-Madison Local Schools
Families in the Groveport-Madison School District must complete bus registration annually. The forms below should be completed in May/June for the following school year.
Use the following link for the 2024-25 Groveport-MadisonTransportation Request forms
Transportation forms should be sent with a proof of residence (a copy of a lease/mortgage statement AND a utility bill dated within the last three months) to Theresa.Ritchie@gocruisers.org, Diana.Colliver@gocruisers.org. If you have questions, email schoolbus@gocruisers.org.
(We recommend that all families register in order to qualify for payment in lieu of transportation should a bus not be provided).
Hilliard City Schools
Registration for busing must be completed annually for new and returning students. Please apply online by June 30.
Parents/Guardians should visit the district website at https://www.hilliardschools.org/bus-request/ and complete a Non-Public School Transportation form. Once your registration is received, district staff will review information and determine if transportation can be provided or if it will be impractical.
Routing schedules will be available online once complete. Parents can find their child's bus route online at: https://www.hilliardschools.org/BusStop/
If deemed impractical, you will receive a form offering Payment in Lieu of Transportation. Please sign the form and return upon receipt.
South-Western City Schools
Families that live in the SWCS district must complete the form below and submit by July 1 with a current proof of residence. Please use the contact information on the bus request letter linked below if you have any questions.
2024-25 South-Western City Schools Bus Request Forms
If you live with a friend/family member, please submit a Residency Affidavit to confirm you qualify for busing with SWCS.

Payment in Lieu of Transportation
Some of our partnering districts provide an annual payment/stipend to parents if providing a bus to Metro is deemed impractical. See below for information from a few area districts.
If your district is not listed, visit their website and search under Departments for the Transportation page or call them directly for instructions. Please note that requests for payment in lieu of transportation are typically due early summer (June) for the following school year.
Families in the Dublin School District can complete a non-public transportation request online. Visit https://www.dublinschools.net and click on the appropriate link under Transportation. If busing is deemed impractical, a form requesting payment in lieu of transportation can be submitted to the district office.
Upper Arlington
Families in the Upper Arlington district can complete a non-public school transportation request at https://www.uaschools.org (under Departments > Operations > Transportation). Deadline to apply is June 30. If transportation is deemed impractical, a payment in lieu of transportation form will be sent to the parents.
Families in the Worthington district can complete a non-public transportation request form at www.worthington.k12.oh.us (under the heading "online forms.") The deadline for form completion is June 1. If it is deemed impractical to transport the students, a request for transportation reimbursement will be sent to the parents.
Questions About Bus Registration?
Contact your district transportation office. You can find contact information on your district website under the transportation department.