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Governing Board Information

The Metro Governing Board consists of members assigned for terms of three years. Membership includes three representatives from The Ohio State University, three from Battelle, two from Franklin University, one from Columbus City Schools, and a community representative. The Governing Board advises and assists the school with matters such as curriculum, school evaluation and research, professional development, funding and community relations.

2024-2025 Board Meeting Schedule

Board meetings are every other month and typically fall on the fourth Friday of the month. Meetings are at 8:00am in the Metro High School Conference Room, unless otherwise announced.

Meeting Schedule:

  • August 23, 2024

  • October 25, 2024

  • December 13, 2024

  • February 28, 2025

  • April 25, 2025

  • June 20, 2025

Governing Board Documents

Board Policies

Governing Board policies can be accessed on BoardDocs by clicking HERE.

Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Meeting agendas and minutes of past Governing Board meetings can be accessed on BoardDocs by clicking HERE.

Addressing the Board

Board meetings are held in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business. They are open to the public but are not to be considered public community meetings. There is a time for public participation as noted on the meeting agenda.

Communications to the Board or requests to speak at a Board meeting must be submitted to burgett.2@themetroschool.org at least three days before the meeting date. Written and in-person communications will be granted the same consideration by the Board.

Board Membership:

Mr. David Burns, Chair

Director of STEM Innovation Networks

Dr. Patrick Bennett

VP, Academic Quality & Planning
Dean, School of Education
Franklin University

Mr. Todd Cunningham

Director of Development
EMH&T, Inc.

Mr. Scott Deas

Director, Cost Estimating & Strategic Pricing

Dr. Howard Greene

Director, K-12 Education Outreach
College of Engineering
The Ohio State University

Mr. Wesley Hall

Vice President, Philanthropy & Education

Dr. Kody Kuehnl

Dean, College of Arts, Sciences & Technology
 Franklin University
Dean of Faculty, Urbana Branch

Dr. Nicole Luthy

Director of Strategic Operations, College of Education & Human Ecology
The Ohio State University

Dr. Andrew Martin

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education College of Arts & Sciences
The Ohio State University

Ms. Kathryn Moser

Deputy Superintendent of Academics
Columbus City Schools