At Metro Early College High School, we believe in our students' boundless potential, and Gwynedd Cowan is a shining example. Her journey from her early days at Metro to pursing her goal of becoming a corporate mergers and acquisitions (M&A) lawyer in New York involves exploration, resilience, and a commitment to success.

Join the Alumni Association!
Metro is growing its Alumni Association, and we want to reconnect with graduates to build a strong and supportive network. Whether you graduated last year or over a decade ago, we would like you to be part of this exciting initiative.
The Metro Alumni Association will provide:
Networking opportunities for alumni to connect with each other.
Ways to give back by mentoring current students, hosting internships, or joining our Business Advisory Council.
Social events like homecomings, tailgates, and reunions.
Please complete the survey linked below if you would like to connect with us... and please share it with other Metro graduates in your social network!
Click here for the Alumni Association survey
Thank you for being part of our school community and supporting our mission to empower students and alumni alike!

Career Day 2025: Presenters Wanted
Metro will host its 10th annual Career Fair for middle and high school students on February 20 and we invite you to serve as a presenter!
Each year, we host professionals on site to help students learn more about their chosen field of work. Our goal is to inspire them to begin preparing for their college and career goals.
The commitment on February 20 would include:
Volunteering for an 8:00-9:45am OR 10:00-11:30am time frame.
Giving two back-to-back presentations on your college and career path.
If you would like to engage with our students, we would greatly appreciate your time, talent and expertise! Please complete the CAREER DAY PRESENTER form linked here by February 3 to indicate your interest in participating.
If you have any questions, email any of our school counselors:
Tim Latta (
Corey Boyer (
Carla Farwig (

Share Your Story!
The Metro Alumni Association was created a few years ago to stay connected with our past graduates and tap into their valuable expertise. We've had an exciting journey, from hosting our first Metro Alumni Tailgate during OSU's 2022 homecoming weekend to sharing monthly alumni stories on our school and alumni websites. It's inspiring to see our graduates thriving!
New interviews will be conducted with Metro graduates to hear about their experiences and how Metro has influenced their college and career paths. We would love to hear your story, too!
If you are interested in being interviewed and featured on our website and social media, please complete this form. Your insights and experiences can inspire current students and fellow alumni alike.
We hope you'll take this opportunity to share what you've been up to since your days at Metro!

Gwynedd Cowan, Class of 2019
While growing up, Gwynedd felt that law might be the right path for her, but like many young students, she explored various interests. She began her undergraduate studies at The Ohio State University as a psychology major, fascinated by the field and eager to see where it might take her.
After a short while, Gwynedd discovered that her true passion lay elsewhere. She changed her major to finance, a subject she was drawn to despite her previous focus on psychology. But her interest in law never waned, so she moved to New York City to attend Columbia Law School after earning her degree in finance.
Gwynedd's decision to pursue a JD and an MBA concurrently is quite impressive—a challenge she embraced while excelling in both programs. “It was tough, but I knew I wanted a career that intersected law and finance, so the joint JD/MBA program made sense for me,” she says. This unique combination of skills is now serving her well as she begins her career as a corporate lawyer specializing in mergers and acquisitions.
Metro is known for its focus on STEM, but Gwynedd's journey is a reminder that the school's core values go beyond any specific field. When asked about her most memorable experiences at Metro, she mentioned the important life skills she learned, such as self-evaluation, adaptability, and effective communication with others. “Even though I don’t remember all the specific habits we were taught, I carry those principles with me every day,” she said.
Gwynedd fondly remembers the freedom that Metro gave her to explore different areas of interest. From participating in the Bodies pathway to taking classes at Ohio State, Metro provided a foundation for independent learning. This experience and her time studying alongside friends at Thompson Library created lasting memories of camaraderie and growth.
Despite living in New York, Gwynedd has managed to stay connected with many of her Metro classmates. Thanks to social media, she keeps in touch with peers and has reconnected with fellow alumna Anna Chopko, who also resides in New York. Gwynedd shared, "It’s been amazing to have that Metro connection in the city,” noting how special it was to rekindle friendships in a new environment.
When asked what advice she would give current Metro students, Gwynedd offered thoughtful insights: “High school can feel like a whirlwind. You have so much ahead of you, and it feels like everything is happening all at once—grades, college, extracurriculars, and social situations. My advice is to slow down and focus on what truly interests you. Don’t compare yourself to others, and trust that things will fall into place.”
Gwynedd's story demonstrates the importance of taking time to explore different paths and trusting the process. Her journey from Metro to corporate law proves that success doesn't come from rushing but from making thoughtful decisions and being open to change.
As she embarks on her career as a corporate lawyer, Gwynedd remains grounded in the lessons she learned at Metro. With a JD and MBA from Columbia under her belt and a promising legal career ahead of her, her future is undoubtedly bright.

Alexander Hatter, Class of 2014
Alexander graduated from Metro in 2014 and went on to study International Affairs at Northeastern University. He currently serves an Executive Underwriter for a large insurance company. Alexander's journey from Metro student to an emerging leader in the insurance industry is as inspiring as impressive.
At Metro, we take pride in our alums' achievements and ability to impact the world in diverse fields. One such alum is Alexander Hatter, an Executive Underwriter for a large insurance company, whose journey from a Metro student to an emerging leader in the insurance industry is as inspiring as it is impressive.
Alexander's career is anything but ordinary. As an Executive Underwriter, he combines the worlds of profitability and risk management, ensuring that his company maintains strong relationships with its clients while bringing in new business. His role is complex, blending elements of public interaction, financial acumen, and strategic thinking—skills he honed at Metro.
Interestingly, Alexander's path to this career was not straight. He initially pursued international affairs, focusing on economics, international security, and Russian studies. However, a co-op at Liberty Mutual during his time at Northeastern University opened the door to the insurance world, where he has thrived ever since.
When reflecting on his time at Metro, Alexander highlights the critical thinking skills that were deeply ingrained in him. "Metro taught us to think not just from one point of view but to understand the complete comprehensive viewpoint," he recalls. This ability to think critically and challenge his experiences has been a cornerstone of his professional success.
One of Alexander's favorite memories from Metro involves the collaborative and innovative environment that the school fostered. Whether it was meeting for group discussions or participating in experiential learning projects, Alexander fondly remembers the startup-like atmosphere of his early days at Metro. He credits his former advisor, Cory Neugebauer, for treating students as the adults they aimed to become and providing the guidance needed to thrive academically and personally.
Alexander's story is also one of lasting connections. From his ongoing friendships with fellow Metro alum to the professional relationships he built during his internships and co-ops, the importance of making and maintaining connections is a key lesson he took from his high school experience. "The best thing I learned from Metro is the importance of making that call, asking for help, and retaining relationships," Alexander says. These connections have continued to serve him well in his career, proving that the network and community fostered at Metro extend far beyond graduation.
Despite his busy career, Alexander is passionate about giving back. He is eager to introduce the world of insurance to young people, especially those who might have yet to consider it a career path. He is a Member of the National Emerging Leaders Committee of the National African American Insurance Association (NAAIA), which recently established a Chapter in Columbus. When asked if he would be willing to speak to current Metro students, Alexander enthusiastically agreed, expressing his desire to help others navigate their career journeys.
Before wrapping up our interview, Alexander shared a message of gratitude. He reflected on how Metro set his life on a different course, describing his acceptance into the school as an event that changed his life. "Metro pushed me to be a better version of myself, even when it wasn't easy," he said.
Alexander Hatter's journey from Metro to a successful career in the insurance industry is a testament to the power of a strong educational foundation and the importance of perseverance, critical thinking, and relationships. We are proud to have Alexander as part of the Metro family and look forward to seeing how he continues to make a difference in his field and beyond.

Micah Dillard, Class of 2010
Micah was a member of the 2010 inaugural class of Metro Early College HS. He earned a B.S. degree in Political Science & Economics from The Ohio State University in 2014 before heading off to the University of Madison-Wisconson to earn both his master's and Ph.D. in Political Science and Government. Micah now works as a data scientist for Morning Consult in Chicago, IL.
Dr. Micah Dillard is a shining example of Metro's commitment to shaping future leaders. A graduate of the class of 2010, his academic journey is a testament to Metro's goal of fostering curiosity, adaptability, and critical thinking
Micah was part of Metro’s founding class, experiencing the early growth of the school firsthand. “It was definitely an interesting time,” Micah recalls, “as we were all figuring it out together—students, teachers, and administration alike.” He fondly remembers the close-knit community and the hands-on, experiential learning that defined his early high school years. With only a few teachers and administrators, Micah and his peers embarked on a journey that blended traditional academics with real-world experiences.
One of his favorite memories is frequent field trips that brought learning to life. Whether touring an abandoned coal mine or visiting a landfill, Metro’s approach to education ensured students weren’t confined to classrooms. These unique experiences helped shape Micah’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills, laying the groundwork for his future career.
As one of Metro’s first students to take college courses at The Ohio State University, Micah gained a head start on his academic career. He recalls the thrill of stepping onto a college campus while still in high school, where he and a small group of Metro students formed a tight-knit community, studying together and navigating their early college experiences. “The curriculum really set me up for success,” Micah says. “By the time I was taking my first college math class, I felt very prepared.”
This seamless transition into higher education gave Micah a strong academic foundation and the confidence to tackle the challenges of college life head-on. Micah earned his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, focusing on the intersection of political science, economics, and data analysis.
Micah’s academic journey took him from political science to data science—a field that blends his love for math and statistics. Currently working as a data scientist for Morning Consult, a market research and polling company based in Chicago, Micah credits Metro’s focus on critical thinking and inquiry for his ability to thrive in this rapidly evolving field. “I was always questioning what was presented in front of me, thinking about the ‘why’ and the ‘how,’” he explains. “That skill has served me well in my career.”
When asked what advice he would give current Metro students, Micah emphasizes the importance of curiosity and critical thinking—values ingrained in Metro’s culture. “The field of data science is growing rapidly, and being an active learner is key,” he advises. “Take your math and computer technology classes seriously, but also focus on being curious. Those critical thinking skills are what will set you apart.”
Despite his busy schedule, Micah remains connected to Metro and is eager to give back. He hopes to participate in virtual speaking engagements to share his experiences with current students and inspire the next generation of Metro graduates.
As Metro continues to grow, alums like Dr. Micah Dillard remind us of the lasting impact of a Metro education. From collaborative projects to early college courses and research, Metro’s unique approach to learning continues to prepare students for success in college, careers, and life.

Guadalupe (Medina) Bright, Class of 2010
Lupe was a member of Metro’s class of 2010. During her undergraduate program at Ohio State, she was featured on the cover of OSU’s Alumni magazine for her service in mentoring fellow Latino students through the L.A.S.E.R. program. She also was published in the newspaper “El Sol de Ohio” in an article encouraging Latino families to help their youth pursue higher education. She completed her Master's degree in Liberal Arts & Sciences at San Diego State University. In 2015, she presented her academic paper “High School Dropouts - An Issue for the Individual and the Economy” in Japan at the Asian Conference on Education & International Development. After her master’s program, she joined the New Teacher Project through AmeriCorps and is now working in the ESL department at Columbus City Schools.

Q: Please tell me a little about yourself and what you do now.
Lupe: I went to San Diego State for my master's. I moved to Nevada to be part of the Teach For America project with AmeriCorps and then moved back to Ohio because this is where my future husband was going to be working. I am now married with a son who is almost two and we have one on the way. I am also a student at Texas Tech studying Educational Policy and Leadership working on my Ph.D.
Q: Did you always know this (current job) is what you wanted to do? If not, when did you decide?
Lupe: No. It’s far from what I wanted to become. It was about halfway through my master's degree when I realized I wanted to teach. And then I decided to do the Nevada Teacher Corps with AmeriCorps. I loved it, but now I am on a slightly different track to teach at the college level and work on publications. So, teaching was not in my plans. I actually wanted to minor in medicine and go to medical school, but I ended up in a Biology class at OSU and I was miserable. Don’t get me wrong, I did fine at OSU, but I realized that med school wasn’t for me. I finished undergrad and got my masters in Liberal Arts & Sciences so I could explore topics that were more of interest to me. That’s when I realized that education is what I wanted to do.
Q: Do you remember the Metro Habits? Do you ever think about them today?
Lupe: Oh wow, I actually glanced at them a couple of months ago for something I was doing for my schooling. Let’s see, engaged learner, collaborator, inquiry…communicator!
Q: When you attended Metro, it was a new program. What are some of your favorite memories?
Lupe: I don’t think it was my favorite memory at the time, but I tell my husband about it now. It was the trash dig that we did for a project called “Garbology.” I say that because, when else in your lifetime are you going to go dig through trash and learn about recycling, composting and what not? The other memory was with Dr. Bruening doing CAD. I remember this because I'm married to an engineer now!
The trips we took were also very memorable. We went to the Florida Keys and learned about the ecosystems. We went to Stone Lab. Those experiences helped to inform my selection of Ed. Policy & Leadership. My research focuses a lot on low income minority students, mostly Spanish speaking because I speak Spanish. I feel like a lot of those experiences at Metro were things that my friends who went to Dublin, Upper Arlington and Bexley could afford to do, but I would not have been able to afford them.
Q: Did you develop friendships with people at Metro that you might not have otherwise connected with? Are those ongoing?
Lupe: I have several friends that I still keep in touch with that I 100% would not have met if it had not been for Metro. They lived in many different areas that I did not have access to then.
Q: Did you participate in a pathway like Bodies or Growth? What was that experience like?
Lupe: I did a learning center at Franklin Park Conservatory. It focused on plants and the environment, and I did an internship there teaching little ones. I probably should have realized then that I wanted to teach! While at Franklin Park, we loved doing the tours for younger age groups and learning about the science of the park. It’s similar to what I do now in that the context is educational but the background is science-based. We do a lot of statistical analysis while preparing to present for IRBs.
Q: What is the most important thing you learned in high school?
Lupe: Well let’s see, critical thinking, or thinking independently and a strong work ethic are the top two. This is especially true when I think about being in school now.
Q: In what ways did Metro help to prepare you for what you are doing now?
Lupe: Doing well at Metro helped remove the burden of not knowing if I could afford to stay in college for four years. My mother was a single parent and we lived in low income housing, so I knew I needed to succeed here because I wasn’t going to be able to afford college. Metro helped me apply for scholarships and I was awarded several. Once I got to college, I realized that I could be there for four years. I could slow down and enjoy the process. When I got my masters degree, I had additional fellowships, and now with my Ph.D, I received other scholarships and fellowships and was allowed to pay instate fees. That again has afforded me options so I don’t have to feel like I need to rush. Metro taught me how to apply for scholarships, and that has been a great benefit to me.
Q: What advice would you give to students at Metro who may want to follow in your footsteps?
Lupe: I feel like mastering the Metro habits sets you apart when you take courses at OSU. I remember being in my junior year and I was in a writing course. I was asked by a professor to meet after class. My first thought was, “oh my goodness my paper is horrible,” but the professor said it was one of the best. He also asked why I had a mark beside my name on his roster. I had to tell him it was because I was a high school student. Imagine his shock!
So mastering the habits really sets you apart, not just for basic classes but for further ahead in life. If you master them, then it’s a habit and you don’t have to think about it. I would also say, take advantage of the opportunities that are offered. Just explore whatever interests you; this may be one of the only times in your life where you can explore and not have so many worries. Don’t rush! If you have goals and are making adequate progress to reach them, don’t be in a hurry!

Morgan Johnson, Class of 2013
Morgan is an attorney working for one of the world's largest and oldest law nonprofit organizations. Since 1970, The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has worked to ensure the rights of all people to clean air, clean water, and healthy communities. They also work to bring awareness and change to environmental and climate policy. Morgan’s work primarily involves challenging infrastructure projects that threaten our ability to meet climate goals as a nation. She attributes having a strong foundation in STEM for helping prepare her for the work she is doing.
Q: Did you always know this (being an attorney) is what you wanted to do?
Morgan: Not so precisely, but having a really strong background and foundation in science really shaped my interest in this work. For a long time, I was interested in issues that sat at the intersection of government and foreign policy as well as legal advocacy, but that all came after my initial interest in science and climate issues. Not long after my time at Metro and OSU, it became clear to me the path that I wanted to take.
Q: Do you remember the Metro Habits? Do you ever think of them now?
Morgan: Yes, well it’s been a while since I’ve been asked that! I think I remember being inquiring, collaborating, and critical thinking, and while I might not be able to spell them all out, I know the spirit of the habits is something I carry with me in my life. The workplaces and experiences where I have felt most effective and have been most exciting for me - I think they’ve been congruent with those values. Also, I think they provide a good framework for you to think about your life and the impact you want to have in the world.
Q: Please share one of your favorite memories from your time at Metro.
Morgan: I remember having really interesting and diverse visitors. They would come and want to talk with you. We had folks from around the world who wanted to open schools with a similar approach. It was so exciting for me. I also remember giving tours. That was something I really enjoyed, as well as being given the opportunity to regularly reflect on the value of this approach and the experience. I look back at that time really fondly. I also remember that many of my peers were really self-driven and intrinsically motivated. It was so refreshing to me and it made me want to be the best, most creative, and most caring version of myself. I was really grateful to go to school with those folks and to now see what some of them are doing.
Q: Did you participate in a Pathway (Early College Experience)?
Morgan: I actually think there was an option for me to do something different. I opted to do the John Glenn College of Public Affairs program for HS seniors (at Ohio State). I took classes at OSU my junior year and interned at the Ohio State House my senior year. I love that Metro allowed me to do something that was a really cool, customized fit that allowed me to tap into my best STEM skillset and nurture a passion of mine, and I can say without a doubt that I probably wouldn’t be walking the path I am on without that experience.
Q: What advice would you give to students who may want to pursue a similar career?
Morgan: My advice to a student would be to dream big, but plan a bit. I think it is totally possible and achievable for anybody to walk on a path that they want, particularly a path of service. And I think it is a great mindset to operate on the limit of “if I can plan it, visualize it, and try it, I can do it.” Also, don’t be afraid to ask people questions about the things you are interested in.

Making Good on a Promise
Before his graduation in 2016, Miles Marchese shared his dream of becoming a police officer with a Metro teacher. As a student at an early college high school, he anticipated disappointment at the fact his plans did not involve enrollment at a four year university. Instead, he received a challenge: "The next time you come into this building, I expect to see you in uniform."
Challenge accepted.
In September of 2022, Officer Marchese stopped by Metro to make good on his promise, proving there are many paths to success for graduates of Metro Early College High School.

Pruneu Family Establishes Alumni Scholarship
In 2021, the Pruneau family decided to share some of the blessings they have received from the construction industry by establishing a scholarship through the Builders' Exchange Foundation. While the construction culture has become more inclusive over the years, the Pruneau Family Scholarship is intended to assist and attract a more diverse population of future professionals to the industry. Priority consideration for the scholarship will be given to applicants who are graduating seniors or graduates of Metro Early College High School and are African American and/or female.
Quentin Pruneau is a member of Metro's class of 2015.

Metro Siblings Create Mobile Energy Solutions
Jacob Buaful (class of 2017) and his brother Caleb (class of 2018) worked with two additional OSU engineering students to create a start-up called Electrion. The entrepreneurial group researched and worked on solutions to mobile energy needs, and the result is a company that provides turnkey mobile energy storage services and solutions.
Jacob shared, "Clean mobile energy is costly in the consumer market and automotive companies pay high prices to recycle batteries with high usable capabilities. Electrion creates a synergy by presenting a cost-effective and sustainable option to several spaces by repurposing second-life automotive battery packs."