M.S. Weekly Staff Spotlight: Ms. Brown - Thank you for being part of the Metro Middle School Family. We love your flexibility, motivation to innovate and true care for your students. We appreciate all you do!

CORRECTION for High School Virtual Day tomorrow: Early College programs and Entrepreneurship Class (NOT Internship) will meet at Metro. Middle School students should report as usual. Morning and afternoon buses will run as usual.

Metro is moving to a VIRTUAL DAY for HIGH SCHOOL classes ONLY on TUESDAY, NOV. 19th. Roof work at the PAST building requires that their HVAC system be shut off, which affects our classrooms there. Middle School, Internship & ECE classes will be on site at Metro.

Bodies students take their STEM of Tai Chi final. Students learn about anatomy in HBS and apply what they have learned in Tai Chi. @sultanofsystems, @PASTFoundation, @BurnsHayes, @TheMetroSchool1, @Erika_Reeves

@TheMetroSchool1 Bodies students began a collaboration with @PASTFoundation & @OhioLiquor to write a PSA on the physiological dangers of underage alcohol consumption. A morning brainstorm and research session began the process. @Erika_Reeves, @HayesBurns, @SlimSchneider, @WJD40

@TheMetroSchool1 Bodies students began a collaboration with @PASTFoundation & @OhioLiquor to write a PSA on the physiological dangers of underage alcohol consumption. A morning brainstorm and research session began the process. @Erika_Reeves, @HayesBurns, @SlimSchneider, @WJD40

PreAlgebra B students practice solving systems by graphing. Activity designed by Miss Shull, OSU student teacher in Mrs Linik’s classroom.

PreAlgebra B students practice solving systems by graphing. Activity designed by Miss Shull, OSU student teacher in Mrs Linik’s classroom.

M.S. Weekly Staff Spotlight: Mr. Dillon - Thank you for being a part of the Metro Middle School Family. We love your calm and composure, humility and care for all your students. We appreciate all you do!

Thank you to Dr. Jacqueline Davis @OSUOptometry, Rae Everson @OSUAthTraining and @SarahMarchionda @nationwidekids for sharing your careers with @themetroschool1 Bodies students during career rotations this week. @Erika_Reeves, @BurnesHayes

Students develop laboratory skills for spring Capstones using PCR techniques. Practice run today. Testing for "Whose you Daddy? later this month. Stay tuned for results... @Erika_Reeves, @BurnsHayes, @TheMetroSchools1, @PASTFoundation

Community partners, like Jim Bruner @sultanofsystems, share their experiences and journeys with future health professions to help build empathy towards mankind. Priceless training and life skills for the future. @Erika_Reeves, @BurnsHayes, @PastFoundation, @TheMetroSchool1

Thank you to @rotogroup for hosting the Design and Sustainability Learning Centers! Students participated in brainstorming and prototype feedback for different museum exhibits that are currently in development!

Thanks to @ReadyRobotics for hosting the Design Learning Center! We learned about working in a start up, robotics, and Robots as a Service (RaaS).

Metro is transferring to a new phone system (same number), so please pardon any issues reaching us while the process is completed. Should you experience any difficulty reaching our office and need to connect with a staff member, feel free to send an email.

Thanks to all who came out to celebrate the cultural diversity of our school at Taste of Metro. We value every family that is part of our Metro community and hope you enjoyed the food and entertainment.

Metro students celebrated their cultural heritage today by wearing traditional outfits. The dress down day was part of Taste of Metro.

Taste of Metro is November 5 at 5:30pm! If you plan to join us for this fun event, please sign up now at https://bit.ly/33b561G
and register to bring a food item to share: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050A4DA8AE2BA0F85-taste

The Middle School library is complete! Thanks to all your donations, we have over 2,000 books for students to check out using our online library system.

Thank you Dr. Darrell Gray @OSUWexMed for teaching about the GI system and sharing your expertise with Bodies @themetroschool. Colon Cancer is Preventable! @Erika_Reeves, @BurnsHayes, @PASTFoundation.