Schoology - Forgot Password

These instructions should be used for the first time login or when a password is forgotten.

On your assigned iPad, open a browser and go to (Please note these steps can only be completed on a browser, not on the iPad app.)

Forgot Password

  1. Type your email address for the user

  2. Click the Send My Login Info button

  3. An email will be sent to that email address with a temporary link (24 hours) to reset the password.

Resetting Password

  1. The user will need to click on the given web address.

  2. A browser window will open with the following information

reset password

  1. Click the Login button

new password

  1. Enter the new password

  2. Re-enter the new password

confirm password

  1. Click the Submit button

  2. A green confirmation message will display below the Schoology menu along with a confirmation email.

successful password change

  1. Click on the Home menu option to begin using Schoology


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Or, email

Technology Help Instructions